Extra Credit

 Speciety – Perspectives on Science, Politics, Education, and Society 


Stereotypes and Prejudices 

Free write on the topic of stereotypes (definition, examples, anecdotes, feelings towards the  topic, etc…): 

A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.I feel like stereotypes are made by ignorant people who don't fully understand a topic or even person, and are too lazy to further learn about said topic.Stereotypes can also be dangerous and normally extremely disrespectful. For example the stereotype that black men are dangerous. It's dangerous because people are normally erratic and act without thinking as a result, especially people with authority. Stereotypes might not even have to be widely known. It could also be something that was formed over the years in your own family. Family members assuming that your gonna end up a certain way because of who your mother was or were you initially were from could also be an example. To conclude either way I believe stereotypes are hurtful and useless connotations used by people who are stupid in their own way  

The paragraph below is me totally misunderstanding the assignmentI feel like the stereotype that people who kill themselves are selfish is stupid and comes from an ignorant mindset.That type of idiology normally comes from relatives, or people who generally have never hit rock bottom and most likely dont know what it feels like to not care or see the point in anything at all. Most times those same  people don't stop to think of the things that the  person would have to have gone through to reach that point and don't realize how in turn selfish it is for them to wish more pain and suffering on said person just so they can physically be present. I personally find it quite ironic because the early signs of depression/ mental illness and shifts in behavior should be easily seen by someone close to the person in the first place which only further leaves me to insinuate that the people who say these things are ignorant and selfish themselves

Free write on the topic of prejudices (definition, examples, anecdotes, feelings towards the  topic, etc)

To be Prejudice is to have a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Personally I believe you could have a preconceived opinion on somebody/thing but not be prejudiced. I feel like when you have a preconceived notion on someone sometimes it might happen unconsciously and may not mean you necessarily dislike the person it is directed to, which is the feeling the word itself gives off since its normally used in a negative context. I also feel like prejudice and stereotypes normally go hand in hand and as a result i don't like them at all.My main reason is because they almost never comes from a good place and the fact that being Prejudice can be destructive . My opinion is backed by its second definition of the word "harm or injury that results or may result from some action or judgment"  proving how destructive being prejudice can be.

For definitions and examples, see: https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/secondary education-resources/lesson-plan-ideas/lesson-5-prejudice-and-stereotypes

Speciety – Perspectives on Science, Politics, Education, and Society 


Ted Talk - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story 



1. What was surprising about the stories that Adichie wrote as a child? Why did she write them  this way? Its surprising that she wrote stories about things she never experienced before She wrote them that way because since the books she read were like that she assumed all books had to be written like that

2. What this demonstrates, I think, is how impressionable and ____vulnerable______  we are in the face of a story, particularly as _____children___________. 

3. Why was Adichie surprised that Fide’s family could create art?  She was surprised because since she was always told his family was poor she could never have imagined they could have made something

4. Why does Adichie blame Western literature for the single story of Africa? Since they started the story and decided to write it negatively( eg colonization) and with the West having more influence it ultimately spread as a result of them.

5. So that is how to create a single story, show a people as one thing, as only one thing, over  and over again, and ___that is what they become___________________. 

6. Power is the ability not just to tell the story of another person, but to make it the  ___definitive story of that person__________. 

7. Why didn’t Adichie have a single story of America? You always heard about America growing up and you heard of all sides of it."if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding."

Speciety – Perspectives on Science, Politics, Education, and Society 


8. All of these stories make me who I am. But to insist on only these negative stories is to  __flatten______ my experience and to overlook the many other stories that formed  me. The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are  untrue, but that they are __incomplete____. They make one story become the only  story. 

9. Adichie talks about the idea of having a balance of stories. What are some example she gives  of stories that would have created this balance? Some examples she gave was following the debate on Mexican immigrants from both sides, wishing her mother telling her that Fide's family was not only poor but hardworking or having an African television network that broadcast diverse African stories from all over the world.

10. Write about a situation in which you fell victim to a single story. This could either be a  situation when you had a single story of another person, group of people, or place or someone  had such a single story about you. How could having a balance of stories have changed the  situation

I think a situation where someone might have a single story on me was when I first came to America, I wouldn't say this is exactly a single situation but her opinion on me I believe may be based on a single story. I feel as a result of the way she acts and says.She doesn't see much in me and believed that I was lesser than , it could most likely be because of the way I talked, my mannerisms or the things i did as a result of where I grew up( heavy on the where I grew up). she thought that since I grew up in Jamaica and probably heard stories about me and the way we used to live that she was saving us or that we were helpless even though I might have grew up happier if I still lived down there.


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